ENGLISH VERSION - Christ-Honoring Commentary on JONAH
A verse by verse look at the book about the least of all prophets who witnessed the greatest revival in history. Doctrinal, yet devotional; practical, yet weighty; this is a...
SPANISH VERSION - Christ-Honoring Commentary on JONAH
El Libro de Jonás A verse by verse look at the book about the least of all prophets who witnessed the greatest revival in history. Doctrinal, yet devotional; practical, yet...
Christ-Honoring Commentary on OBADIAH
A Christ-Honoring Commentary on Obadiah, by James W. Knox. The seventh and newest volume in The Christ-Honoring Commentary Series takes on the smallest of Old Testament books but gives it...
Christ-Honoring Commentary on ZECHARIAH
A verse by verse exposition of the most difficult book in the Holy Bible. Clear, concise commentary, a wealth of prophetic insight and numerous studies on the person and work...
Christ-Honoring Commentary on TITUS
This volume is not only an in-depth study of the third pastoral epistle but a consideration of the dangers of Bible revision. It includes as an appendix the booklet on...
Holy Women
Thirty lessons taken from the pages of the word of God to enable individuals, groups or Sunday School classes to understand the Biblical truths which enable women of all ages...
Understanding the Old Testament
Each book of the Old Testament is examined, providing the reader with the theme, main truths, key passages, and important words. The intent is to give those who love the...
New Testament Survey
An overview of each book of our New testament, pointing out their key doctrines, peculiar emphasis and devotional highlights, in addition to providing a wealth of sermon and study material....
Search The Scriptures
This book contains the outlines and studies prepared by Brother James from which many of the courses in The Deland School of THE BIBLE are taught. Each of these 156...
ENGLISH VERSION - Signs, Wonders, and Miracles
This is a complete scriptural evaluation of the phenomenon of tongues and slaying in the spirit, as well as a detailed exposition of the Biblical doctrine of sickness and healing....
SPANISH VERSION - Signs, Wonders, and Miracles
Señales, Maravillas y Milagros This is a complete scriptural evaluation of the phenomenon of tongues and slaying in the spirit, as well as a detailed exposition of the Biblical doctrine...
Understand the Scriptures: Rightly Dividing Reconsidered
NOTE: This book was formerly named The Law and Rightly Dividing the Word Reconsidered. The content is the same, with only minor editing changes. At this point, all copies ordered are...