Christ-Honoring Commentary on The Book of Romans - Volume 1
There is more glorious truth in the book of Romans than the heart can hold. It is God’s grand presentation to man of our lost condition, the Lord’s provision for...
Christ-Honoring Commentary on The Book of Jude
Jude set out to write of the salvation common to all believers, but the Holy Spirit had other ideas. Instead, he was directed to write explicit warnings about those who would...
Christ-Honoring Commentary on REVELATION
NEW VERSION In this volume of The Christ-Honoring Commentary Series, Pastor James Knox sets forth a word-by-word commentary on the entire book of Revelation. Minute detail and clear explanation of every verse...
Understanding Prophecy: The Christ-Honoring Commentary Series
NEW! In this newest volume of The Christ-Honoring Commentary Series, Pastor James Knox sets forth a chronological presentation of God’s plan for the end of the ages. Understanding Prophecy contains a concise yet thorough...
Biblical Evangelism
Biblical Evangelism by James W. Knox Two truths are certainly stated in the pages of the Holy Bible: 1. That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. 2. That...
The Humanity of Christ
New updated cover With clarity and close attention to detail Brother James takes the reader through the many fascinating doctrinal and spiritual wonders connected with the Son of God becoming...
The Fruit of the Spirit
Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; these are all attributes of the one true God. It is because our Lord is of such a holy character that...
A Sure Foundation (Expanded New 2025 Version)
NEW Greatly expanded eighth printing! It contains 8 new chapters and 3 chapters have been expanded.In this book, we explain the attributes of the Lord our God. It differs from...
SPANISH VERSION - Un Fundamento Seguro (A Sure Foundation)
Un Fundamento Seguro Lo que Todos debemos Saber Acerca del Dios de la Santa Biblia Aquí explicamos los atributos del Señor nuestro Dios. Difiere de nuestros otros libros en este respecto,...
By Definition
Brother James holds earned degrees in English and Journalism and has used this background, along with his extensive library to put together a virtual text book on the language of...
ENGLISH VERSION - Christ-Honoring Commentary on JONAH
A verse by verse look at the book about the least of all prophets who witnessed the greatest revival in history. Doctrinal, yet devotional; practical, yet weighty; this is a...
Christ-Honoring Commentary on OBADIAH
A Christ-Honoring Commentary on Obadiah, by James W. Knox. The seventh and newest volume in The Christ-Honoring Commentary Series takes on the smallest of Old Testament books but gives it...