Christ-Honoring Commentary on OBADIAH
A Christ-Honoring Commentary on Obadiah, by James W. Knox. The seventh and newest volume in The Christ-Honoring Commentary Series takes on the smallest of Old Testament books but gives it a large treatment.
To derive 280 pages of Bible truth from a prophecy of twenty-one verses is no easy task, but Obadiah lends itself to the discussion of many topics vital to our day.
Examined and explained in this work are the following doctrines:
- The ages-long conflict between Esau and Jacob
- God’s method of dealing with the Gentiles
- Why Israel survives and nations are destroyed when both seem to commit the same sins
- A thorough study of every reference to salvation in the Old Testament
- The one man responsible for the death and destruction in World War 2 (and it is not Hitler)
- Why only one of the dozens of 20th century holocausts is denied
- Refuting the Khazar theory and other attempts to replace Israel with the Church
- A detailed look at the restoration of Israel and the coming Kingdom of Christ on Earth
- and much, much more
Appendices dealing with the many holocausts of the past two centuries, the significance of Bozrah, and the Khazar theory add to the book's importance.
You will thoroughly enjoy this in-depth yet easy to comprehend study of history and prophecy. (283 pages)