Christ-Honoring Commentary on The Book of Romans - Volume 1


There is more glorious truth in the book of Romans than the heart can hold. It is God’s grand presentation to man of our lost condition, the Lord’s provision for...

Christ-Honoring Commentary on ZECHARIAH


A verse by verse exposition of the most difficult book in the Holy Bible. Clear, concise commentary, a wealth of prophetic insight and numerous studies on the person and work...

Biblical Evangelism


Biblical Evangelism by James W. Knox Two truths are certainly stated in the pages of the Holy Bible:  1. That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.  2. That...

ENGLISH VERSION - The Essence of Christianity Booklet Tract

From $25.00

The Essence of Christianity booklet is the transcript of a sermon by Brother James, given on 11/30/2008. The booklet is 16 pages in length. We had these printed for a...

ENGLISH VERSION - Christ-Honoring Commentary on JONAH


A verse by verse look at the book about the least of all prophets who witnessed the greatest revival in history. Doctrinal, yet devotional; practical, yet weighty; this is a...

Jesus Christ: Your Best Choice Tract (Package of 100)


Package of 100 tracts. Just in time for the political season. The biggest decision anyone will make this November (or any time for that matter) is to put their faith...

A Biblical Course in Witnessing (Free Shipping)


For best pricing: Single Copy Orders ONLY. Use the other Witnessing product page for multiple copies or orders that include other items. Our new book is part of the curriculum...

From Where I Stand


The Personal Testimony of James W. Knox and a history of THE BIBLE Baptist Church and the many ministries thereof. • Fifty years of life • Thirty years a Christian...

Acts 16:31 Bumper Sticker (14x3)


  Larger size bumper sticker, with the Gospel message, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Size: 14" w x 4.25" hVinyl material

Coexist Tract (Package of 100)

$10.00 Sold Out

Package of 100 tracts.  The Coexist tract is a great tool for those who sincerely ask, "can't we all just get along?". The clever use of symbols tells the story...

Tire Tracks - True Stories of Childhood, Adventure, Exploration


These are tales about what it means to learn of life and death and trust and companionship, as seen through the eyes of two boys, who from the age of...

How to Study and Teach The BIBLE (CD)


Nine lessons from the DeLand School of The Bible classes (2007) on the ways to approach Bible study and how to teach The Bible.