The Fruit of the Spirit


Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; these are all attributes of the one true God. It is because our Lord is of such a holy character that...

How to Study and Teach The BIBLE (CD)


Nine lessons from the DeLand School of The Bible classes (2007) on the ways to approach Bible study and how to teach The Bible.

KJV Issues, Vol. 1 (CD)


20 hours of teaching on the history of the Authorized King James Version, including the lineage and history of other "versions". This CD includes 14 pages of notes and diagrams....

Survey of The Bible (CD)


Fifty radio programs presenting the theme, highlights, key words and doctrines of every book in the Bible. New Testament Survey 142-53 Old Testament Survey 347-59

Sects, Cults, and Heresies, Vol. 7 (CD)


Sixteen lessons on Calvinism.

Happy Holidays (CD)


Are you bold enough? Do you really love the truth? Fourteen lessons on Christmas, Easter and Halloween. 0908 - 0918

KJV Issues, Vol. 2 (CD)


1000 Back To Romanism Results of changing the AV text. 1001 History Of The English Bible 1002 Satan’s Relation To The Word 1003 Doctrine Of Scripture Preservation 1004 The Book...

Pastoral Matters (CD)


11 Sermons on matters relating to Pastors. Leading Vs. Driving 1515 Stewards, A Message For Preachers 1555 Preparation and Delivery of Sermons 360-362 Pastoral Authority 1631 Mild and Meat of...

Spiritual Growth (CD)


Twenty messages to help the child of God establish a relationship with the Savior. After God’s Heart 1444 Drawing Nigh to God 1445 Things That Please the Lord 1524 The...

Essential Doctrines, Vol. 1 (CD)


Thirty-four messages on the foundational truths of Biblical Christianity. The Doctrine of God 1-24 0154-65 The God of Glory 0014 The Attributes of God 0024 The Doctrine of the Trinity...

A Happy Home, Vol. 1 (CD)


Twenty messages on matters pertaining to strong and blessed family life. What I Must Teach My Children 1551 Duties of Husbands 1607 Faithful Children 1609 The Marriage Vows 1623 Who...

Sects, Cults, and Heresies, Vol. 2 (CD)


Six lessons on Mormonism and six lessons on Jehovah's Witnesses.