Understanding Prophecy: The Christ-Honoring Commentary Series


NEW! In this newest volume of The Christ-Honoring Commentary Series, Pastor James Knox sets forth a chronological presentation of God’s plan for the end of the ages. Understanding Prophecy contains a concise yet thorough...

Search The Scriptures


This book contains the outlines and studies prepared by Brother James from which many of the courses in The Deland School of THE BIBLE are taught. Each of these 156...

By Definition

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Brother James holds earned degrees in English and Journalism and has used this background, along with his extensive library to put together a virtual text book on the language of...

Get Out of Hell Free Tract (Package of 250)


Package of 250 tracts.  The Get Out of Hell Free cards are one of the most popular tracts we use. Note: The typo for “eternal life” on the front has been...

A Biblical Course in Witnessing


Our new book is part of the curriculum at The DeLand School of THE BIBLE. It contains twenty-nine lessons instructing the student in the Biblical doctrines of New Testament evangelism...

The Humanity of Christ


New updated cover With clarity and close attention to detail Brother James takes the reader through the many fascinating doctrinal and spiritual wonders connected with the Son of God becoming...

Christ-Honoring Commentary on OBADIAH


A Christ-Honoring Commentary on Obadiah, by James W. Knox. The seventh and newest volume in The Christ-Honoring Commentary Series takes on the smallest of Old Testament books but gives it...

Bridge Tract (Package of 100)


Package of 100 tracts in new size.  

The Lost Cause Series


This is a collection of studies on those issues that divide Christians but should not, and on those issues that Christians should take a bold stand on but will not....

ENGLISH VERSION - Signs, Wonders, and Miracles


This is a complete scriptural evaluation of the phenomenon of tongues and slaying in the spirit, as well as a detailed exposition of the Biblical doctrine of sickness and healing....

Christ-Honoring Commentary on The Book of Jude


Jude set out to write of the salvation common to all believers, but the Holy Spirit had other ideas. Instead, he was directed to write explicit warnings about those who would...

Christ-Honoring Commentary on TITUS


This volume is not only an in-depth study of the third pastoral epistle but a consideration of the dangers of Bible revision. It includes as an appendix the booklet on...