That Blessed Hope: Teaching and Defending the Doctrine of the Rapture of the Church
The purposes for this book are both simple and essential. First, it sets forth a most thorough treatment of the Biblical truth regarding the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to take...
Christ-Honoring Commentary on OBADIAH
A Christ-Honoring Commentary on Obadiah, by James W. Knox. The seventh and newest volume in The Christ-Honoring Commentary Series takes on the smallest of Old Testament books but gives it...
The Lost Cause Series
This is a collection of studies on those issues that divide Christians but should not, and on those issues that Christians should take a bold stand on but will not....
Tire Tracks - True Stories of Childhood, Adventure, Exploration
These are tales about what it means to learn of life and death and trust and companionship, as seen through the eyes of two boys, who from the age of...
SPANISH VERSION - Un Fundamento Seguro (A Sure Foundation)
Un Fundamento Seguro Lo que Todos debemos Saber Acerca del Dios de la Santa Biblia Aquí explicamos los atributos del Señor nuestro Dios. Difiere de nuestros otros libros en este respecto,...
Daniel (MP3 Download)
This is the downloadable version. Also available as a physical CD copy. A series of 32 lessons expositing the Book of Daniel verse by verse. Taught by Pastor James W. Knox during services...
The Fruit of the Spirit
Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; these are all attributes of the one true God. It is because our Lord is of such a holy character that...
ENGLISH VERSION - Christ-Honoring Commentary on JONAH
A verse by verse look at the book about the least of all prophets who witnessed the greatest revival in history. Doctrinal, yet devotional; practical, yet weighty; this is a...
Christ-Honoring Commentary on ZECHARIAH
A verse by verse exposition of the most difficult book in the Holy Bible. Clear, concise commentary, a wealth of prophetic insight and numerous studies on the person and work...
Holy Women
Thirty lessons taken from the pages of the word of God to enable individuals, groups or Sunday School classes to understand the Biblical truths which enable women of all ages...
Victorious Christian Living
In the first 24 hours that this book was available on this web store, there were 215 copies sold in 28 orders on 2 continents. It is a message that...