Romans Chapter 1, Part 2 (CD)
(DSB) 38 sermons on Chapter 1 of the Book of Romans. This was presented during church services beginning in 2018. Romans Chapter 1 is split between 2 CDs. This CD...
Romans Chapter 2 (CD)
(DSB) 22 sermons on Chapter 2 of the Book of Romans. This was presented during church services beginning in 2018.
2017 Bible Conference: The Well-Dressed Christian (CD)
Sermon Recordings from THE BIBLE Baptist Church 2017 Bible Conference“The Well-Dressed Christian”January 25-27, 2017 01-25-2017A Joe Cammilleri Thou mayest be Clothed 01-25-2017B Rick Baker Put on Mercies 01-25-2017C Brent Logan...
2016 Bible Conference: Revelation 1:4-7 (CD)
Sermon Recordings from THE BIBLE Baptist Church 2016 Bible ConferenceJanuary 20-22, 2016 01-20-2016A Rick Baker “Grace be unto you and peace from him” 01-20-2016B Joel Logan “Which is, and which...
2015 Bible Conference: Joshua 6-24 Maintaining the Victory (CD)
Rick Baker, Randy Newcomer, Don Bergstrom, Brent Logan, Joel Logan, Rob Carlson, Tim Fellure, Andrew Ray, Lee Cadenhead.
2013 Bible Conference: Joshua 1-5 Preparing for Victory (CD)
Randy Newcomer, Joel Logan, Don Bergstrom, Scott Suttle, Rob Carlson, Rick Baker, Melvin Daniel, Dean Powers.
2012 Bible Conference: Luke 4 (CD)
Joel Logan, Rick Baker, Scott Suttle, Randy Newcomer, Jeff Faggart, James W. Knox.
2011 Bible Conference: 2 Thessalonians (CD)
Randy Newcomer, Brent Logan, Rick Baker, Joel Logan, Scott Suttle, Rob Carlson.
2010 Bible Conference: The Body of Christ (CD)
Randy Newcomer, Rick Baker, Joe Cammilleri, Joel Logan, Rob Carlson, Scott Suttle.
2009 Bible Conference: 1 Thessalonians (CD)
Rob Carlson, Randy Newcomer, Tommy Baucom, Rick Baker, Scott Suttle, Melvin Daniel, Joel Logan, Brent Logan, Don Bergstrom.
2008 Bible Conference: The Attributes of God (CD)
Randy Newcomer, Melvin Daniel, Don Bergstrom, Scott Suttle, Joel Logan, Rob Carlson, Tommy Baucom, J. Bennett Collins, Joe Cammilleri.
2007 Bible Conference: 2 Corinthians 3 (CD)
Brent Logan, Joel Logan, Rick Baker, John O'Brian, Randy Newcomer, Rob Carlson, Paul Hamilton, James W. Knox, Tommy Baucom.